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Small Box - Almond Butter Croissant - 30g x 40

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Name: Almond Butter Croissant 

Brand: Chef

Description: Mini Almond croissants will arouse your appetite with their mildly sweet and surprisingly creamy taste. This French delicacy boasts crunchiness, fluffiness, and flavor. These tasty croissants make for a light breakfast when served with a cup of tea or coffee, or they can be used for an afternoon treat amongst friends and family. This box includes 40 mini croissants in total and is made with eggs, milk, butter and flour. Allergens include dairy.

Weight: 30g

Packaging: < mce-data-marked="1">30g x 40

Status: Frozen

Origin: UAE

Code: 37836

Baking instructions: Bake at 180°C 10-12'

/** * Module to ajaxify all add to cart forms on the page. * * Copyright (c) 2015 Caroline Schnapp ( * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * * * */ Shopify.AjaxifyCart = (function($) { // Some configuration options. // I have separated what you will never need to change from what // you might change. var _config = { // What you might want to change addToCartBtnLabel: 'Add to cart', addedToCartBtnLabel: 'Added to cart!', addingToCartBtnLabel: 'Adding...', soldOutBtnLabel: 'Sold Out', howLongTillBtnReturnsToNormal: 1000, // in milliseconds. cartCountSelector: '.cart-count, #cart-count a:first, #gocart p a, #cart .checkout em, .item-count', cartTotalSelector: '#cart-price', // 'aboveForm' for top of add to cart form, // 'belowForm' for below the add to cart form, and // 'nextButton' for next to add to cart button. feedbackPosition: 'nextButton', // What you will never need to change addToCartBtnSelector: '[type="submit"]', addToCartFormSelector: 'form[action="/cart/add"]', shopifyAjaxAddURL: '/cart/add.js', shopifyAjaxCartURL: '/cart.js' }; // We need some feedback when adding an item to the cart. // Here it is. var _showFeedback = function(success, html, $addToCartForm) { $('.ajaxified-cart-feedback').remove(); var feedback = '

' + html + '

'; switch (_config.feedbackPosition) { case 'aboveForm': $addToCartForm.before(feedback); break; case 'belowForm': $addToCartForm.after(feedback); break; case 'nextButton': default: $addToCartForm.find(_config.addToCartBtnSelector).after(feedback); break; } // If you use animate.css // $('.ajaxified-cart-feedback').addClass('animated bounceInDown'); $('.ajaxified-cart-feedback').slideDown(); }; var _setText = function($button, label) { if ($button.children().length) { $button.children().each(function() { if ($.trim($(this).text()) !== '') { $(this).text(label); } }); } else { $button.val(label).text(label); } }; var _init = function() { $(document).ready(function() { $(_config.addToCartFormSelector).submit(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var $addToCartForm = $(this); var $addToCartBtn = $addToCartForm.find(_config.addToCartBtnSelector); _setText($addToCartBtn, _config.addingToCartBtnLabel); $addToCartBtn.addClass('disabled').prop('disabled', true); // Add to cart. $.ajax({ url: _config.shopifyAjaxAddURL, dataType: 'json', type: 'post', data: $addToCartForm.serialize(), success: function(itemData) { // Re-enable add to cart button. $addToCartBtn.addClass('inverted'); _setText($addToCartBtn, _config.addedToCartBtnLabel); // _showFeedback('success',' Added to cart!',$addToCartForm); window.setTimeout(function(){ $addToCartBtn.prop('disabled', false).removeClass('disabled').removeClass('inverted'); _setText($addToCartBtn,_config.addToCartBtnLabel); }, _config.howLongTillBtnReturnsToNormal); // Update cart count and show cart link. $.getJSON(_config.shopifyAjaxCartURL, function(cart) { if (_config.cartCountSelector && $(_config.cartCountSelector).length) { var value = $(_config.cartCountSelector).html() || '0'; $(_config.cartCountSelector).html(value.replace(/[0-9]+/,cart.item_count)).removeClass('hidden-count'); } if (_config.cartTotalSelector && $(_config.cartTotalSelector).length) { if (typeof Currency !== 'undefined' && typeof Currency.moneyFormats !== 'undefined') { var newCurrency = ''; if ($('[name="currencies"]').length) { newCurrency = $('[name="currencies"]').val(); } else if ($('#currencies span.selected').length) { newCurrency = $('#currencies span.selected').attr('data-currency'); } if (newCurrency) { $(_config.cartTotalSelector).html('' + Shopify.formatMoney(Currency.convert(cart.total_price, "AED", newCurrency), Currency.money_format[newCurrency]) + ''); } else { $(_config.cartTotalSelector).html(Shopify.formatMoney(cart.total_price, "")); } } else { $(_config.cartTotalSelector).html(Shopify.formatMoney(cart.total_price, "")); } }; }); }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest) { var response = eval('(' + XMLHttpRequest.responseText + ')'); response = response.description; if (response.slice(0,4) === 'All ') { _showFeedback('error', response.replace('All 1 ', 'All '), $addToCartForm); $addToCartBtn.prop('disabled', false); _setText($addToCartBtn, _config.soldOutBtnLabel); $addToCartBtn.prop('disabled',true); } else { _showFeedback('error', ' ' + response, $addToCartForm); $addToCartBtn.prop('disabled', false).removeClass('disabled'); _setText($addToCartBtn, _config.addToCartBtnLabel); } } }); return false; }); }); }; return { init: function(params) { // Configuration params = params || {}; // Merging with defaults. $.extend(_config, params); // Action $(function() { _init(); }); }, getConfig: function() { return _config; } } })(jQuery); Shopify.AjaxifyCart.init();